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Магазин ЧехлоМаркет проводит конкурс в Курске, в котором разыгрывает 101 чехол для книжек. Условия конкурса простые: сделать репост, быть подписчиком группы и убедиться, что ваша модель участвует. Итоги розыгрыша будут подведены 9 мая, а победители будут выбраны случайным образом. Приз можно будет забрать до 16 мая. При выборе победителей будут учитываться только открытые профили. В конкурсе участвуют модели Honor, Huawei, Apple и Realme.

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Lyrics for the single 'Catch Your Breath - Shame On Me' by an unknown artist. The song talks about a relationship that has gone sour and the feelings of betrayal and hurt that come with it. The artist questions whether their partner ever loved them and expresses their own shame for believing in a life that their partner didn't want. The chorus repeats the phrase 'Shame on me' as a way of acknowledging their own mistakes in the relationship.

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The song 'Catch Your Breathe' by Dial Tone is about missing someone who disappeared without a trace. The lyrics express the desire for an answer and a reason for their departure. The song also touches on the pain of feeling misunderstood and the struggle to move on. The tags for the song are #lonelyjourney, #lyrics, and #catch_your_breath.

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Read the lyrics of DXWNSIDES' song 'Bleed' from the album 'I Will Never Be Enough, 2021'. The song talks about the pain of watching someone you care about suffer and feeling helpless to do anything about it. The artist expresses their feelings of guilt and self-hatred for not being able to help more, and the struggle to heal from the experience. The tags for the song are #lonelyjourney #lyrics #dxwnsides.

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The song 'Saviour - Jaded' by Saviour talks about feeling jaded and afraid to let go. The lyrics describe the fear of facing things alone and the desire to hold onto the good times. The song also talks about setting the world on fire and planting seeds on one's own. The tags for the song are #lonelyjourney, #lyrics, and #saviour.

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Текст песни The Korea - Миллениум (2021) с тегами #lonelyjourney #lyrics #thekorea. В песне рассказывается о том, что мир сошел с ума, и нужно найти ответ на вопросы о цели нашего существования. Песня призывает не бояться идти до конца, принимать свой страх и не отрицать свой взгляд на мир. В конце песни говорится о том, что когда воздух из груди превратится в серый дым, нужно вспомнить, как хотелось дышать, и не убегать.

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The lyrics of the song 'Playing With Fire Is Such A Cliché' by Galleons talks about tearing roots from the ground to replant them far away, repairing a broken home, and taking care of oneself. The song also touches on the theme of self-pity, addiction, and the need to find one's own feet before being trapped with someone you don't need. The song ends with the realization that we are not broken, just born this way.

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